I'm talking about the non-basketball March Madness known as this past weeks travel schedule!
Tuesday drove to Pocatello, Idaho...worked with an Agent all day on Wednesday and drove home through a Snow storm...There were a couple of points where I was literally white knuckled, but I made it through! As LT say's "Yeah Me!"
Thursday morning I had to be at the airport at 5:50 am to catch a flight to Denver (really I was in Littleton, CO)...I flew back home that night which makes for a long day!
Friday was my great aunt Darle's funeral so that presented the opportunity for another roadtrip...this time to Provo and Manti...I'll post pictures next week.
Saturday was the Nationwide Nascar Pit Stop in Layton...I don't have to work many Saturday's which makes it harder when I do...It was sssssooooo cold! But I was introduced to the interesting world of Nascar Fans! They are definitely passionate about their sport and drivers. I also discovered I'm not a fan of LOUD, NOISY, CARS! The event was right across the street from NorthRidge High School in Layton, UT which is right by the South Gates of Hill AFB. They must have been doing some testing in the desert because the Fighter Jets were coming and going all day, and when they made their engine noise, the driver, Gene felt it necessary to revvvv his engine. It was a battle of the engines all day long!
In an effort to do my part with Corporate expense reductions I booked a red eye flight for my week in Columbus, OH so I was back at the SLC airport at Midnight on Saturday! When I made the flight plans I hadn't remembered that it was Daylight Savings Weekend! So, at 1:00 am SLC time (which I guess was really 2:00 am) I boarded a flight to Atlanta...from there I was just a hop skip and jump away from Columbus, or so I thought....my connecting flight was cancelled so I had to be rerouted on another flight, which meant a stop in Philadelphia! After a couple hours in Philadelphia I was on board another plane bound for Columbus, OH...Little did I know my luggage was bound for Columbia, South Carolina! Apparently someone had difficulty reading the luggage tags correctly, or they got their gates mixed up...So I made it to Columbus and after a stop in Columbia and back to Atlanta, my luggage made it just a few minutes ago!
Needless to say, even with the crazy travel week, I still made it 2 for 2 in the weekly blog department! Next week I promise I'll be more interesting...For now, I'm tired! So I'm going to sleep! But happily I have pajamas to put on!